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Where to connect online:
Char McGhie.com
Essential Glow oil community (on Facebook)
Essential Glow on Instagram

fast facts about char:

  • a wife and mom (to a little girl)
  • plant-based since 2011
  • left-handed
  • lives in lululemon clothing (align pant, for the win)
  • her ideal next destination: Europe
  • favorite quote:
Whether you think you can or cannot, you are right.
— Henry Ford


Char is a plant-based nutritionist focusing on holistic & natural practices, essential oil educator + biz mentor, certified raw food chef, and blogger. She resides in the sunny state of Florida with her family, where they have lived since November, 2014.

Her background in nutrition (having studied back at university in Canada, where she's originally from) includes using whole, organic plant-based sources to help improve overall health & wellness. Plus, in 2016, she decided to dive into the world of essential oils and now leads a global team of oil educators and customers to reduce their toxic load & use oils in all areas of their life so they can truly glow!

In terms of fitness, she loves yoga, and thankfully so because it lead to the birth of this idea! She has been avidly practicing it on and off for years now.

She also loves to run (and likes the balance yoga brings to running). Half marathons are her jam, but she just completed her first (and only!) marathon on January 10th, 2016.

She also has interest in sustainability, natural living, and being eco-friendly when she can, so if you ever have a "green" question, never hesitate to ask!

If you'd like to connect, visit her in and around the web on her social media accounts and her blog!

To glowing health,