pose of the week: half splits

Hellloooo May and welcome to week 18 yogis! We hope you are enjoying the longer days, sunshine and spring cleaning (?!). Make sure you're taking time this week and doing things that fill you up :)....like yoga!

This week, we're slowing things done and focusing on getting our stretch on:

Not only does this pose give your hammies some much needed love and attention, it'll also help you slow down and allow you to keep the focus on your breathe.

Have an amazing week!  

pose of the week: triangle

Welcome to this final week of April. What an amazing month so far! Did you catch the Scorpio Full Moon this week? It was pretty spectacular and very symbolic of some amazing energy in the atmosphere this week. Another great reason to let go of anything that no longer serves you. By letting go we create space and can allow more goodness into our lives.

Let's use the pose of the week, triangle,  to help us create some length in our side body! 

Don't forget to listen to the audio and let us help guide you through the pose safely. 

Have an amazing week yogis!!!!

pose of the week: extended side angle

Today is a great day! And we hope you are all living this weekend with intention and happy hearts. Our inspiration this week is all about finding happiness and harmony! We truly believe yoga is a tool that helps us along our journey. Try to use your practice this week to really tune into your mind space. 

Before you start moving, find stillness and notice what's going on through your mind. What self-talk happens when there are no distractions? One of the ways to find harmony in life is to make sure all aspects are lining up as one meaning: your thoughts are matching your words and your words are corresponding with your actions. 

Let's jump into this week's pose so we have a chance to also dive into some self development with our Extended Side Angle. 

Enjoy your week and make today a great day! Gandhi summarizes happiness and harmony up in this beautiful quote, enjoy!!!

Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
— Mahatma Gandhi

pose of the week: wide legged forward bend

This week's pose is such a great compliment to all the warrior lunges we've been working with these past few weeks. As we continue to move into some more physically challenging poses it's important to incorporate forward folds to help slow the heart rate down and stretch out the legs. 

Wide Legged Bend is the perfect pose to build into your daily yoga routine. In addition to finding a great stretch this pose also provides the added benefit of having a calming affect on the body. Take some time to read about the benefits of this pose and listen to our audio below!

Now walk through it with the audio:

Have an AMAZING day!



pose of the week: easy twist

Welcome to another new pose as we welcome this new month! Can you feel the shifts happening? The season is still slowly changing, which means you're also adapting. It's a constant process of us blossoming along with the seasonal shift! As this lovely quote demonstrates...

This quote is like music to our ears because we all know there are tough times when you don't want to change and/or evolve, but sometimes the pain of not doing it is worse than if we just took that step. Deep stuff, we know ;) Which brings us to our new pose of the week.

We hope you use this pose as an opportunity to blossom! Let's get the details on how to perform it.

And then use the audio below to help guide you through the pose!

We hope you have a beautiful week and take it easy with this pose! ;)